7th Grade Supply List
Supply List- Small School 1 and 2 (7th Grade)
*Please note - supplies subject to change.
*Please note - supplies subject to change.
- One 2-inch, 3-ring binder for all of your academic paperwork.
- One (1) Set of binder dividers with 8 tabs and pockets for English/Math/Science/History binder
- Spiral notebook OR graph notebook for Math
- One (1) 1-subject notebook OR Composition notebook for Science.
- One (1) Composition notebook for English
- Box of Pencils to last throughout the year
- Black/blue ballpoint pens
- Set of colored pencils and/or markers
- One (1) glue stick
- One (1) eraser
- Highlighters (orange, blue, green, or yellow)
- Pack of 3X5 Index cards - 500
- College-ruled paper
- Two (2) packs of Post-it Notes
- Basic Calculator (with your name written on it ) (no scientific calculator)
- One (1) box of Kleenex for period 1
- One (1) wired headset
- One (1) manual pencil sharpener