LCHS 7/8 Athletics
LCHS 7/8 Boys Lacrosse
There will be a LCHS 7/8 Boys Lacrosse informational meeting after school this Thursday, February 13th, in the C3 (College and Career Center upstairs in the IRC) at 3:30pm. LCHS 7/8 Boys Lacrosse is one of the few no-cut sports. Everyone who wants to play is on the team. Please show up, get information, and make an informed decision about LCHS 7/8 Boys Lacrosse. This is an opportunity for fun, friendship, and to be part of a team.
Students who are interested in the LCHS 7/8 Boys Lacrosse Team should complete the registration form.
LCHS 7/8 Girls Softball
Softball tryouts are scheduled for March 3, 3:30pm, at the LCHS Softball Field. Players interested in trying out will need to complete a tryout interest form. The link for the LCHS 7/8 Girls Softball tryout interest form is on the LCHS 7/8 Girls Softball web page. Please check the LCHS 7/8 Girls Softball page for the form and details when they become available.
LCHS 7/8 Golf Meeting
There will be an informational meeting during 7/8 lunch on Wednesday, March 5th, in the North Gym. Students should get their lunch, then head to the North Gym promptly. Please contact Mr. Sandoval or Mr. Cyhaniuk if you have any questions.
LCHS 7/8 Soccer
Our LCHS 7/8 Boys and Girls Soccer teams have begun 210 League play. Both teams were victorious against Oak Avenue Intermediate School. Our 7/8 Boys soccer team continued their success against South Pasadena Middle School in their second game. Complete schedules, results, and pictures of our teams in action can be found on the LCHS 7/8 Boys Soccer and Girls Soccer web pages.
Go Spartans!